How Much Does Wind Energy Produce?

How Much Does Wind Energy Produce?: Estimating The Power Requirement And Output

How Much Does Wind Energy Produce?

Living a healthy lifestyle is crucial in different aspects of our lives because a constant power supply is one of the basic necessities. Utilizing the power from the wind, after converting, it generates electricity for domestic use, businesses, and industrial use for the production of preliminary goods. Therefore, it’s important to glance through how much energy wind power can generate. Knowing this can help us to prove how reliable and efficient this source of energy is. There are some challenges to be considered, such as turbine efficiency, geothermal location, wind speed, and turbine size. For example, the wind speed of a turbine is between 7 and 25 miles per hour (mph).

Wind Turbine Capacity

The high demand for wind turbines due to its reliability and sustainability provides a clean environment, constant power supply, pollution free, and cost-effectiveness. So, it’s crucial to glance through the capacity of which wind turbine produces.
Wind turbine capacity is the maximum amount of power that is produced by wind turbines. This power rating of a wind turbine is measured by kilowatts, written as KW; or Megawatts, written as MW. These units of power ratings of wind turbines are used in designing wind turbines.

Factors Influencing Wind Turbine Capacity

  • Wind Speed: wind speed is one of the important areas of consideration in wind turbine capacity. Turbine is designed in such a way that it has a stipulated or recommended wind speed. An increase in wind speed will result in an increase in power generated. So to improve the capacity of wind turbines, we consider setting the wind turbine to a location where there’s enough wind.
  • Environmental Conditions: It is important to consider the environmental condition of a particular place where the wind turbine is set to be installed. Some common factors under this are turbulence, temperature, and air density of the particular environment. These factors enhance the wind capacity and as well the performance for efficient and reliable outputs.
  • Efficiency and Technology: The efficiency of wind turbines can be enhanced by improving the control systems and gearbox design. Improving these will maximize the energy in order to generate reliable and efficient electricity.
  • Size and Design: Increasing the sizes of wind turbines will increase the efficiency of wind turbines.

Types Of Wind Turbines Based On Capacity

  • Small-Scale Turbines: This type of wind turbines are finding more applications in domestic, commercial use in kiosks, and small farms. The capacity of this type of turbine is from a few kilowatts to a few hundred kilowatts.
  • Medium-Scale Turbines: This type of turbine is mostly applied in industries, communities, and constituency projects. This particular type of turbine is from a little hundred kilowatts to a maximum megawatts.
  • Utility-Scale Turbines: This type of turbine is mostly applied in a very large scale farm and industries to generate reliable and clean electricity. The capacity of this particular wind turbine is likely maximum megawatts.

Advantages Of Wind Turbine Capability

1. Cost-Effectiveness
2. Grid Integration
3. Energy Production

How Much Does A Wind Turbine Cost?

Wind turbines are widely applied in various sectors. The efficiency and reliability of this energy source contributed to the wide usage of this energy. Due to this, it’s important to determine the price of different capacities from the market, so as to know the roles and environmental impacts it has added.

Wind Turbine Cost Components

  • Turbine Hardware: The cost for turbines is according to the power rating, size, and design. The bigger the turbine, the more the price of the turbine increases. The highest design of turbine (utility-scale) price from the market ranges from $1.5 million to $2.5 million per megawatt.
  • Installation: The processes involved in the installation of wind turbines involve hectic processes, which can take enough finance to achieve. These processes include site arrangements, transportation, turbine construction, and assembly of the components of the turbine. The amount of money that is to be spent on the installation processes depends on the location of the site. For example, the installation of turbines at an Onshore wind site will cost less, while the installation at Offshore is costly.
  • Infrastructure: In the farm, it needed extra infrastructure, like electrical infrastructure, monitoring systems, and roads. These features attract more expenses to be achieved.
  • Operation and Maintenance: These expenses are repairs, monitoring, and maintenance in order to ensure that the turbine is working properly without any interruption.

Factors That Influence Costs

  • Location: The cost of the turbine is influenced by the location of the project. This also affects the output produced.
  • Financing and Incentives: The costs of turbines are influenced through access to tax, government policies, and regulations.
  • Technology Advancements: The advancement of technology has fostered the innovation of the turbine, resulting in improvement of the design performance and outputs. This helps in reducing the cost of turbine projects and enhances the accessibility of turbine energy generation.
  • Scale and Volume: Handling a large-scale project helps to cut down the cost of turbine projects.

How Much Power Does A Wind Turbine Produce Per Day?

The world has engaged in the application of wind turbines to help in generating constant power supply across all sectors of our lives. This has led to the estimation of the power output of wind turbines generated daily, thereby enhancing the user’s experience.

Determining The Daily Usage Of Wind Turbines

Daily Power Output = (0.5) × (A) x (p) × (V³)

From the above,

A = Rotor Swept Area (m²)
p = Air density (kg/m³)
V = Average wind speed (m/s)

Constant = 0.5

Note: This actual output power may vary because of some factors like maintenance, efficiency, and turbulence.

Study Example:

A wind turbine that has a rotor swept area of 7,000m², operating through an area with an average wind speed of 10m/s and an air density of 1.335kg/m³.


Daily Power Output = (0.5) × (A) × (p) × (V³)


A = 7,000m²=rotor swept area

p = 1.335kg/m³=Air density

V = 10³=average wind speed (m/s)

Substituting the Given parameters into the formular,

=> Daily Power Output = (0.5) × (7000) × (1.335) × (10³) = 4,672,500wh

=> Hence, the daily Power Output = 4,673kwh.

Hence, from this formula and working calculation example, you will notice that we can easily estimate our daily usage of wind turbines.


Renewable energy is environmentally friendly and thereby adding to the global impact and environmental Sustainability. Wind energy is one of the sources of renewable energy which provides constant, efficient, and reliable power supply for domestic use, businesses, industries for production of preliminary goods and services. Hence, understanding the amount of energy, installation cost, and amount of power this energy are capable of producing is crucial.

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