5 Types Of Cyber Security

5 Types Of Cyber Security: Safeguarding Our Devices Against Cyber Threats

The 5 Types Of Cyber Security:

Due to the versatility and usage of cyber security in our global space, it requires more advanced technology in order to be more efficient and reliable in safeguarding against cyber threats as a result of advanced technology which mitigate cyber threats in our environment. There arise so many risks involved in this field, so therefore various types of cyber security approaches have been adopted to tackle these risks. 

There are 5 basic types of cyber security that play a very important role in safeguarding individuals, as well as organizations.

5 Types Of Cyber Security And Examples

To solve the issues involving cyber threats and alike, the following types of cyber security plays a vital role:

  • Network Security:

This is regarded as the first line of defense against cyberattacks. It is more concerned with protecting the confidentiality, data availability, and integrity of the system. 

Examples of this are;

i. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

ii. Virtual Private Network (VPNs)

iii. Firewalls.

The above are adopted to control and monitor network traffic, also prevent intruder activities and unnecessary cyberattacks actions.

  • Endpoint Security:

In order to secure our devices such as Internet Of Things (IoT), computers, smartphones against cyber threats, endpoint security is employed. It protects these devices by adopting management solutions, antivirus software, and encryption to make sure that endpoint is active in protecting our systems and data against cyber threats.

  • Cloud Security:

Cloud security is specially made for safeguarding data from intruder activities, data breaches, and other related cyberattacks actions. It focuses on encryption, monitoring tools, and authentication mechanisms for easy storage and processing of data in cloud interfaces.

  • Application Security:

Due to the important roles applications play in our daily activities, safeguarding them is very important. This type of cyber security is more concerned with depicting and addressing Vulnerabilities in software applications. Examples of this includes:

i. Regular secure audits

ii. Secure coding practices

iii. Implementation of security measures, like web application firewalls (WAFs)

This helps to protect against common cyber attacks such as SWL injection and cross-site scripting.

  • Information Security:

This type of cyber security covers the protection of all the sensitive data from intruder activities, destruction, disclosure, and alteration. Here, implementation of data encryption, comprehensive security policies, and access control in order to protect critical data. Information security is very important in maintaining the integrity of data, and confidentiality at all cyber activities.

What Is Cyber Security 5 Points?

Cyber security is concerned about the practice of safeguarding data, computer systems, and networks from digital attacks or threats. To do this, there are 5 major key points involved, which are;

  • Protection: It is concerned with adopting the strategies to prevent intruders from having access to the system, or prevent damages and exploitation to computers, data, and networks.
  • Detection: Here, cyber security takes the action of identifying and solving the issues related to security breaches and threats swiftly to reduce damages and harms.
  • Risk Management: It involves solving the risks involved in cyber threats through some techniques such as access controls, regular security audits, and encryption.
  • Education And Awareness: This field educates users concerning the safe practices online and creates awareness about the threats that might arise such as malware and phishing scams.
  • Compliance: This involves obeying the rules, regulations, and industry modus operandi.

What Are The 5 Security Services In Cyber Security?

Cyber security is regarded as the safety of both the individuals and organizations as well as the data and systems. There are lots of risks involved in this practice, which requires individuals to delve into the fundamental security services of cyber security in order to safeguard against cyber security. These security services include the following:

  • Authentication: This is the first line of defense that helps to fight against intruders’ access. It works through the identification of the users or systems trying to have access into an application or network. The approaches here include security tokens, passwords, and Multi-factor Application (MFA). By adopting these security measures, it is evident that the system would permit only the authorized user to be able to gain access to sensitive data.
  • Authorization: This involves what actions authenticated users or systems are allowed to perform through the network or system. It is concerned about clearly stated access levels, permissions, access levels, and privileges on responsibilities roles e.t.c
  • Confidentiality: This involves preserving the privacy and the secrecy of data from an intruder. Here, encryption plays a vital role in keeping the confidentiality by understanding data in a manner that only authorised parties can understand it. E.g, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Transport Layer Security (TLS), helps to protect communication channels.
  • Integrity: Integrity protects the consistency, accuracy, and trustworthiness of data continuously. Thus helps to keep data safe against intruders.
  • Availability: This assures uninterrupted access to resources and information whenever required. It is concerned about implementing measures to solve disruptions caused by  cyberattacks.

What Are The Five Types Of Security In Information Security?

For efficient and reliable security purposes, there exist 5 fundamental types of security in information security to safeguard our sensitive data and information. These following are the types of security in information security:

  • Physical Security:

This type of information security is concerned with protecting physical assets, e.g. data centers, networking infrastructure, servers, and hardware devices. This is adopted to safeguard intruder activities to these assets, such as surveillance, access control systems, use of face locks, security guards, and cameras. This aspect of security also covers both environmental controls, like backup power supplies, fire suppression systems, and temperature regulation to keep the operation of the critical system running without interruption.

  • Network Security:

This type of information security involves protecting the confidentiality, and integrity of data which is transmitted over computer networks, such as internal corporate networks, and the internet.

  • Data Security:

This involves the protection of availability, confidentiality, and integrity of data which is stored in electronic or physical.

  • Application Security:

This involves the identification of and mitigating security in software applications, such as Mobile apps, Desktop, and web applications.

  • Identification And Access Management (IAM):

THis involves the practice of managing user identities and controlling his access. This includes authorizing their access to particular resources, enforcing security policies, and authenticating user’s identities to be sure that only the right user can access sensitive information.


The great work that is involved in cyber security has led us to understand the basic 5 types of cyber security, so it is important in order to clearly understand and solve the problems around cyber security and its environment for efficient, reliable and active security purposes.

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