Is Cyber Security Hard?

Is Cyber Security Hard?: The Realities About Cyber Security

Cyber security plays a vital roles in this our present 21st century. Due to the versatility of this technologies, it’s usage in our digital world to keep our digital assets safe from lingering cyberattacks.
Cyber security covers a wide range of approaches specially designed to safeguard systems, attacks, data, and networks from an intruder activities or damages of the system. Most if these attacks arises from malware, and phishing to ransomware and more advanced attacks.

Is Cyber Security Hard For Beginners?

Cyber security has paved way for safeguarding all the sensitive data and as our security measures. As a beginner, establishing into the acts of safeguarding the present digital assets, a lot of questions would pop into our mind, like; is cyber security a challenging sector?, How can I cope with the necessities concerning this field?, And e.t.c.

Learning Curve:

As a beginner, one of the challenges facing them as a cyber security beginner is the lots of learning curve involved.
Cyber security field is ambiguous and broad which covers various domains, such as ethical hacking, network security, cryptography, e.t.c. Having internet is these areas requires a basic knowledge of computer systems and networks, which helps the learner to adapt into the field from the starting stage of learning.

Accessible Resources:

The advancements in technology has made the learning of this cyber security so simple and easy through the use of the latest learning resources as the beginners can easily find the crash courses and the online courses, tutorial, and even a platform to solve the related cyber security courses. The online presence such as Udacity, Coursera and e.t.c offers free online courses that would explain what cyber security is all about, including the breakdown of complex outlines into cyber security made easy. The technological improvement in the learning outcome of cyber security has helped to bridge the knowledge gap and as well helps beginners to easily adapt into the cyber field.

Hands-On Experience:

Individuals interested in cyber security should be ready to learn the practical involved as this field is concerned with practical discipline.

Is Cyber Security Harder Than Coding?

Coding and cyber security plays a vital roles in order to provide security, and functionality of digital systems. Cyber security and coding requires unique skill sets and offers different challenges.

The Art Of Coding

Coding involves the process by which we write instructions for computers in order to execute particular tasks accordingly. The coding processes requires presenting algorithms, debugging, and solving problem. This requires the knowledge of Programming languages,data structures, and logic to develop usable software. This field is broad and it covers the following mobile app development, software engineering and web development.

The Science of cyber security

On the other hand, cyber security involves many discipline which are capable of safeguarding digital systems, data, and networks from cyber crime activities, or cyber attacks. Here, cyber security professionals must be grounded at encryption, threat analysis, risk management, and networking. This field is more concerns about our security and fir easy response and rescue.

Unlike coding, cyber security is more concern on both defensive building and also having a deep understanding of the strategies, and the methods involves in fighting against cyber crimes. In this field it requires constant updating in the new approaches to tackle cyber crime due to the lingering and constant emergence of cyber threats in our environment as the advancements in technology increases.

The Overlapping Realm

As seen from the above, coding and cyber security have distinct focuses, many aspects of coding helps in building safe systems. Safe coding practices with respect to best practices, understanding ability are important to developers in order to formulate applications.

Cyber security is opposite of coding, but it may require coding skills to develop security tools, automate certain tasks, or to analyze malware. The ability to understand and manipulate code increases the effectiveness of cyber security approaches.

Which Is Harder?

In order to determine whether cyber security is harder than coding is dependent on the individual career goals, strengths, and interests. In coding, it involves logical thinking, creativity, and the ability to turn ideas into reality.
While cyber security requires a deep understanding of cyber threats, the method of tackling and securing digital assets, and risk management.e.t.c.
Practically, both coding and cyber security gives challenges, though in different measures.
Individual who is more conversant with problem solving and innovation may see coding as more appealing while others who are enthusiastic in strategy, risk management, and defense against the cyber crimes may be drawn to cyber security environment.
The advancements in technology would demand both the knowledge of cyber security and coding which would bring about more conducive and verse knowledge in the field of technology.

Is Cybersecurity A Lot Of Math?

Cyber security contains a lot of mathematical equations, because math plays a very crucial roles in solving cyber security related problems.

The Mathematical Foundation: Cryptography

The areas where mathematics is applied in the field of Cyber security is cryptography.The cryptographic algorithms involved are in encrypt data, which contains the following topics; modular arithmetic, prime numbers, finite fields. In cyber security, Cryptography builds the bedrock for securing communication and data integrity which makes it very important aspects of this field.

How To Learn Cyber Security For Beginners

Cyber security knowledge involves the basic understanding of computer and computer related courses.

Foundational Knowledge

This requires the basic knowledge of computer networks and operating systems as the first approach.
Impact yourself with common terms involving cyber security.

The Online Courses In Cyber Security

following are the online sources where we can acquire cyber security courses:

  • Udacity
  • Coursera
  • Cybrary


You can read the introductory books on cyber security, like

  • “Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide” by David Kennedy.
  • “Hacking: The Art Of Exploitation” by Jon Erickson.

Practice Labs

The recommended Virtual labs to learn hands-on experience are as follows:

1) Hack The Box

2) TryHackMe


The recommended online forums and communities for cyber security beginners are as follows: in order to connect with the Professionals.

1) Reddit’s r/netsec

2) Cybersecurity Discord channels


Individual interested in cyber security should consider the following certifications:

1) Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

2) Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)

3) CompTIA Security+

Security Blogs And News

Cyber security practice involves constant upgrading, and this requires the cyber security personnel it beginners to follow cybersecurity blogs in order to get the latest happening in the field to understand the latest threats and solutions to solve them.

How To Learn Cyber Security For Free

The digital world requires the knowledge of cyber security, and to help those who are interested to gain the knowledge but cannot afford it, a lot of free courses are created for them.The platforms created for online cyber security courses or knowledge are as follows:

1) Online Courses And Platforms

2) Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenges

3) Cyber Security Blogs And Forums

4) Youtube Tutorials And Webinars:
E.g. channels such as; the cyber monitor, IppSec, and DEFCONConference.

5) Free E-Books And Documentation:
E.g: Gutenberg, and cybersecurity-focused platforms. e.t.c

6) Virtual Labs And Simulators:
E.g: OWASP WebGoat, DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application), and Metasploitable allows to test and increase your cyber security knowledge.

7) Networking And Meetup Groups:
E.g: Meetup and LinkedIn host groups.


Cyber security courses and knowledge is very interesting, and there are a lot of learning curve to make it simple to a layman understanding. And these approaches adopted in learning it would make it look simple despite the challenges involved. But for a beginner to be able to adapt to the world of cyber security, he/she should be devoted to the field in order to master them all.

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