Internet Of Things Security

Internet Of Things Security: Security Strategies Using IoT

Details About Internet Of Things Security:
Mr. J. Kingston Has built a magnificent mansion and connected everything in the house to his smartphone. With a click of the button, he can switch on/off the lights, open/close the door locks, control the air conditioning, operate the vacuum cleaners and perform quite a number of tasks in the house. His business documents and financial documents are secured in a safe and backed up in this IoT cloud space, and he could access these documents through the interface on his phone. Sincerely, Mr. Kingston has the best life ever.

Then one beautiful morning, Mr. Kingston wakes up, unlocks his phone and inputs his pin on the IoT interface. Error!! He tries it again and again. Then he walks to the living room and notices that the lights are ON, which is unusual because he switches them ON before going to bed to sleep. Thereafter, he runs to his secure safe, then  he discovers it is empty!.  When the police arrive at his house and ask him what happened, he exclaims sadly, “There was a security glitch! my smart home’s IoT system was hacked!!”

The security of IoT systems is a major topic in the tech space. One of the concerns that people have in switching to IoT is that they could suffer the same fate as our fictional Mr. Kingston. But this is not just in smart homes, but in industries, schools, hospital equipment etc. You could imagine the risks involved, should there be a security breach in an IoT system. Therefore, it is a necessity that security be a design factor in every stage of the design process for an IoT system. Here in this write up, we will dive into detail of the different types of current security frameworks currently used in Internet Of Things (IoT) systems, their needs and future projections for the security of Internet Of Things (IoT) network structure.

What Is Internet Of Things Security?

Internet of Things (IoT) security is the practice that involves protection of Internet Of Things and the network they use, and devices as defined by Trend Micro. The main goals are to safeguard user data and maintain data, the smooth operation of the Internet Of Things (IoT), ensure the security of devices and other related infrastructure. Internet Of Things (IoT) security vast but fundamental study.  The Internet Of Things (IoT) is a vast field in itself, as it concerns adding Internet connectivity to things with unique features that have a wide and a different range of uses.

However, every connected device expands the attack surface and increases the likelihood of being vulnerable to cyber attacks. The Internet of Things can be a particularly tempting target for cybercriminals because it offers a rich storehouse of data; It is based on basic practices. It is done in important areas. Internet Of Things (IoT) industries are already facing a series of attacks like, data breaches,malware infections, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The threats show the need for adequate Internet Of Things (IoT) security involvements. The strategy practices and brings about the tools that make up IoT security are constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-changing technology.

Also Read About: Tools For Cyber Security Here

Why Is Internet Of Things Security Very Important?

As explained from the  introductory story, it shows why the importance of Internet of Things (IoT) security cannot be overstated. Also, supporting the importance of IoT security, Checkpoint noted that many companies are taking advantage of IoT and OT devices to increase productivity and increase visibility into their operations. As a result, many network devices used in corporate networks have access to sensitive data and critical systems.

These devices often have security glitches that make them vulnerable to attack, putting other members of the organization at stake. Example,  IP cameras, cyber threat actors can target vulnerable printers, smart lights and other network devices to gain access to an organization’s systems. From there, they can move backwards through the network, gain access to critical equipment and sensitive data, and develop ransomware and/or two-pronged cyber attacks that disable business networks.

To protect the company from cyber threats and attacks, all devices connected to the company’s network must be protected. Internet Of Things (IoT) security is an important part of a company’s cyber security strategy because it limits the risks associated with these insecure networks.

Types Of IoT Security

In an article, Checkpoint proposes three types of IoT security:

  • Network Security: Knowing the importance of network security Industrial attacks on IoT network security.
  • Embedded Security: nano agent tool works to secure IoT devices. The current status of the Runtime Protection Device is marked and the device has detected a malicious attack.
  • Firmware validation: Firmware security starts with firmware validation of the protected IoT device. It detects potential vulnerabilities in IoT device firmware.

A Case Study: Rambus IoT Security Framework

A popular IoT security framework is the Rambus Framework. The Rambus IoT Security Framework is a set of integrated software tools that protect cost-effective devices with multiple security protocols, including TLS and IPsec. According to the design for Internet Of Things (IoT) devices and cloud-based applications, Internet Of Things (IoT) Security Framework provides a common API that provides the necessary encryption and authentication tools. Depending on their specific application needs, developers can choose a FIPS 140-2 certified, FIPS 140-3 Level 1, or DPA protected encryption graphics library. The FIPS TLS Toolkit provides a FIPS-compliant software package with a pre-integrated FIPS library that enables system developers to securely access any cloud service for their devices.

The security solutions that Rambus offers include Secure Boot, FIPS TLS Toolkit, DPA-resistant software libraries etc. These solutions are used in the security of IoT embedded systems and the IoT network.
Other IoT security frameworks include Senki, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, ThingSpeak etc. Each framework has its features, and it is left to the user to select the framework best suited for his project, or better still design his own.

What Are The IoT Based Projects For Computer Science?

The following are the examples of the IoT projects for Computer Science:

  • Energy Grid Security: This project involves a design that monitors and also manages the energy grid particularly, in order to safeguard cyber attacks, leading to smooth operation of the energy.
  • Environmental Monitoring: It’s typically for everything activities monitoring.
  • Blockchain-based IoT Security: It concerns blockchain for protection against glitches in communication.
  • Firmware Security: This particular project helps to safeguard Internet Of Things (IoT) devices against threats.
  • Connected Car Projects: Mainly for car Security purposes to detect unofficial access.
  • Retail IoT Security: Mainly for business purposes.
  • Smart Home Security System: Designed for home security and integration.
  • Industrial IoT Security: Used for industrial purposes to safeguard the industrial machines e.t.c.
  • Health Monitoring Security: mainly applied in the hospital to assist in collecting the information of the patient.
  • Smart City Infrastructure: It’s for the purpose of monitoring such as surveillance, and  traffic lights. E.t.c.


From this write up, it’s evident that Internet Of Things (IoT) security is a major research purpose, and extensive research has gone into the development of security frameworks for securing IoT devices and ensuring data protection. It is expected that in the coming years, IoT systems which have highly secure frameworks will be formulated.

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