Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality: The Insights About VR And AR

Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality Technologies:
Two trending technologies that have attracted the attention of a large proportion of tech enthusiasts are Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. These technologies are similar, and are used in a wide range of fields such as remote work, NFT, gaming, navigation, e.t.c. This write up is concerned with these technologies and  its applications in our everyday lives.

What Is Virtual Reality?

In Virtual Reality, you have one or more digital worlds that run in parallel with the physical world. Any of these digital worlds can be accessed using a device, e.g. the Virtual Reality Headset. VirtualSpeech describes Virtual Reality as a 3-dimensional, computer-generated environment that can be explored and interacted with.

Also, Read About: Virtual Reality Technology

VR  software creates virtual environments that are tested and experienced by users wearing VR headsets. While you look at a virtual face with a VR headset, the virtual world behaves as if it were in the real world.

These created images, along with the sound of the VR headset, trick our brains into believing that we are actually in a virtual world. This perception can be reinforced after a user has stayed a few minutes in VR, and can lead to funny behaviors like people running into walls because they forget they are actually in a virtual world.

What Is AR

All you see in the physical world is not all there is. Augmented reality enhances your world and gives you a view of your environment with  greater detail.

Augmented reality can  be explained using this scenario: Imagine you are travelling to a city that you have not been to. Wearing a pair of AR glasses, you can have a view of your path with real time directions to your destination.

As far as technology is concerned, AR is one of the biggest technology trends today and will only grow as access to smartphones and other AR-ready devices increases across the world. Augmented reality allows us to see the real environment right in front of us (trees floating in the park, dogs chasing balls, children playing soccer) with added digital augmentation. For example, you see pterodactyls crawling through trees, dogs making out with their cartoon characters and children hitting spaceships on their way to their destination.

Thanks to advances in augmented reality technology, these examples aren’t much different from what might already be available for your smartphone. In fact, augmented reality is available and used in numerous ways, such as   various shopping apps that let you experiment with clothing that lets you have access to the door, the apps that help you find your car in a crowded parking lot, and Snapchat lenses. doesn’t go out.

Similarities Between Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality

There are a number of similarities with respect to VR and AR. One major similarity is that both have to deal with virtual objects; this means that whether you are working on a VR project or an AR project, you would either have to import already existing objects into your project or create your own “Game” objects for the projects; and for the most part, you may either have to use a Game engine such as Unreal Engine or Unity, or build your objects from scratch.

Another similarity is that both provide immersion. Both virtual reality and augmented reality use 3D content and holograms, making the user feel part of the created 3D environments.

In this case, one of the three most important aspects of total immersion is the sense of presence. This is achieved by creating life-size, immersive 3D virtual environments that can imitate the real world through the use of magnifying lenses or other means of light modification.

The second is the ability to navigate the world of virtual or augmented reality, or the ability to interact with and control virtual objects and environments. For example, the user can move, walk around, etc. Third, the application of tactile and sensory perception, where the user’s visual, gustatory, auditory, olfactory, tactile and other senses are simulated in the virtual world.

Also, both technologies use 3D content or virtual content. In both AR and VR, virtual images are used to enrich real environments in augmented reality or to replace real environments in virtual reality.

We should also note that the hardware used in the two methods is basically the same.

Augmented reality and virtual reality use the same tactics in position and motion tracking technologies, computer vision, cameras, sensors, haptics, controllers, lenses, etc. In both cases, even if we are talking about virtual reality and augmented reality headsets, we have experienced the use of smartphones or computers to process 3D images.

Here, Cameras and sensors are used for monitoring. Sensors and computer vision can sense the user’s environment or track their position relative to other objects in the environment. And Cameras may be used.

Controllers are used in both augmented reality and virtual reality to move, explore, or navigate through 3D content.

Lenses are used to transmit information, either by diffusing light to create virtual environments or by enlarging virtual objects into life-sized virtual objects. As designed in augmented reality, they are used to overlay life-sized 3D virtual images onto real scenes.

What Is Difference Between Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality?

The major difference between the two technologies is that the world (setting) in virtual reality is completely computer-generated; whereas the physical world (real-world) is the setting in Augmented reality. Hence, Virtual Reality replaces what you see, while Augmented reality adds to what you see.

Also, because Augmented reality deals with the real world, VR users have control  over the AR environment, but the VR environment is controlled by the  system. VR requires a headset device, but AR can be accessed with a smartphone, smartwatch or a pair of AR glasses.

Uses  Of Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have a wide range of uses which include:

  • VR gaming
  • Virtual remote workspaces
  • Remote home inspection
  • Navigation
  • Internet of Things etc.


Augmented reality and Virtual Reality have come to stay; this means that as tech improves and advances, more solutions can be achieved using these technologies, and our world can be made better and more interesting.

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