Renewable Energy And Climate Change

Renewable Energy And Climate Change: The Solution

Unleash The Potential Of Renewable Energy And Climate Change

As the world is concerned, Climate change has become one of the popular weather challenges of the present day, and it has contributed to a lot of negative outcomes for the universe and its surroundings.

Read Everything About Renewable Energy Here: Why Renewable Energy Is Important

As we provide the measures to reduce the environmental pollution caused by this, renewable energy has become an important application to reduce our carbon footprints caused by climate change. 

Climate Change Sources

Climate change is caused by the abundance emission of greenhouse gases, like methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, into the atmosphere, this  is likely caused by fossil fuels combustion, such as natural gas, coal oil, e.t.c. This climate change is a great threat to humans and the environment, that’s why renewable energy sources have come in to save us, to make our environment a living, and as a reliable source of energy.

Renewable Energy Solutions

Remedies to Renewable Energy And Climate Change
Renewable energy is made up of different cleaner energy sources, such as Solar energy, Wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectric. Unlike fossil fuel sources, renewable energy provides green energy, comfortable, and conducive, which makes it environmentally friendly. Primary sources of renewable energy are as follows:

  • Solar Power:
    The abundance of sunlight in our environment is being harnessed through photovoltaic cells which are converted into electricity to power our homes, businesses and Industries. This makes it usable in every aspect of our lives.
  • Wind Energy:
    This source of energy applies the kinetic energy of moving air in order to generate energy from the means of wind turbines. This is another way of energy generation that is renewable in nature, making it so important for individuals, businesses, community, and Industries to afford in order to provide a clean, and efficient supply of energy.
  • Hydroelectric Power:
    This source of renewable energy uses the energy from the flowing watering order to generate electricity. Examples of this hydropower are Dams, which help us to utilize the energy power of oceans, and rivers around us, to generate and distribute constant power supply to individuals, businesses, communication and Industries.
  • Geothermal Energy:
    This source of energy emerges from the Earth’s heat internally, which helps to generate electricity.

The effects of Renewable Energy

Apart from Renewable energy sources being a savior from the greenhouse gases caused by climate change, the application of renewable energy offers many positive outcomes in our societies, ranging from increase in energy security, reduction of air/water pollution, job opportunities, to the building of a reliable, and more comfortable world. 

The benefits of renewable energy are as follows:

  • Climate Resilience
  • Energy Security
  • Social Equity
  • Economic Growth
  • Environmental Benefits

The Challenges Facing Renewable Energy Sources

As renewable energy provides many benefits to our environment, they also have some challenging factors which convince individuals from adopting it, this challenging factors are as follows:

  • Energy Storage Challenges:
    The cost of getting enough storage for renewable energy in order to store them efficiently is one of the challenges which can result in low backups.
  • Aesthetic Impact:
    The use of renewable energy sources such as solar powered farms and wind power can cause disruptions visually, making them aesthetic concerns.
  • Initial Cost:
    The initial costs of starting a renewable energy project seems to be high at the start, making the prospective users afraid.
  • Intermittency:
    Using Solar energy and wind power sources as an example, the two wholly depend on weather conditions, making it not be dependent on time of weather shifts.
  • Technological Challenges:
    The technical challenges facing the usage of renewable energy should be well explained for the efficiency, sustainability of renewable energy technologies.
  • Dependency On Weather Conditions:
    Renewable energy sources wholly depend on the variation of the climate.
  • Resource Intensity:
    This involves the discarding and production of some renewable energy technologies, like battery and Solar panels, prompted by intensive processes.
  • Geographical Limitations:
    This aspect limits the circulation of renewable energy, because not all areas are suitable for that particular renewable energy.
  • Potential Of Wildlife:
    This aspect causes threats to birds and other flies through collisions. Example, wind turbines have the potential to affect birds.
  • Land Use Impact:
    A very large renewable energy Project may take a lot of land,  causing changes in the ecosystem and making the environment uncomfortable.

Are Renewable Energy Sources Reliable?

Renewable energy sources change from time to time in terms of dependability, but it is reliable. There are some factors that contributed to these changes in both solar and wind power, these factors include weather conditions, storage systems, e.t.c. Renewable Energy And Climate Change reveals provides the insights on how we should make our environment a living.
Though a lot of technology advancements are ongoing on the improvements of renewable energy in order to be more reliable and dependable.

Factors That Contributed To Reliability Of Renewable Energy

  • Environmental Considerations:
    Renewable energy does not cause pollution to the environment, while fossil fuels generate greenhouse gases emissions which are not good to human’s health. And this factor qualifies renewable energy to be reliable.
  • Economic Viability
  • Government Policy And Support:
    The growth and reliability of renewable energy can be influenced by the following, subsidies, framework, and incentives.
  • Grid Integration: 
    The adoption of smart grid technologies helps for smart and efficient generation/ distribution of Power.

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Renewable Energy And Sustainable Development

In the pursuit for an advanced, reliable, and  valuable future, renewable energy is the foundation of development in society. Clean energy sources offer social well-being, economic prosperity, and environmental management.

Owing to the safety environment, and economic growth, Renewable energy sources inspire global collaboration, and acts as a basis for attaining sustainable development goals and Objectives.

A nation whose goal is to utilize the free energy from nature, they  brighten a path in the directions of a greener and reliable future to the new generations.

Can Renewable Energy Replace Fossil Fuels?

Renewable Energy is possible to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, but a total replacement would need a many sided methods.

Challenges Encountered In Replacing Fossil Fuels

  • Energy Density:
    Due to the high energy density possessed by fossil fuels, such as easy transportation and easy storage, it becomes so difficult for renewable energy to wholly replace fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources like biomass have a very lower energy density, making it need larger land. A complete replacement of fossil fuels would require taking control of some factors, such as economic, societal, and technological Challenges.
  • Infrastructure And Investment:
    Changing totally to renewable energy needs more money for the investment which involves, the improvements of energy storage, transmission lines, e.t.c., this factors discourages individuals or government to invest fully on renewable energy.
  • Economic Implications
  • Intermittency.

How Renewable Energy Helps Climate Change

Renewable energy helps climate change by the following approaches:

  • Energy Transition from Fossil Fuels
  • Carbon Neutrality
  • Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Adaptation And Resilience
  • Promoting Sustainable Practices.

Renewable Energy As A Climate Solutions

The adoption of renewable energy sources is described as a “long-term solution to climate change. Transformation from Fossil Fuels means individuals can build a reliable energy future that is friendly with climate objectives and helps to minimize the chances of getting disastrous environmental attacks. Renewable energy sources not only serve as an energy alternative, but it is a smart strategy to end climate change.

How Climate Change Affects Human Health

Climate change causes severe risks to human health. Climate Change can affect human health from the following ways:

  • Air quality Impacts
  • Waterborne diseases
  • Food insecurity
  • Mental health issues
  • Extreme Weather Events
  • Impacts on Vulnerable Population
  • Economic Consequences
  • Spread of Infectious Diseases
  • Vector-Borne Diseases
  • Extreme Heat Events.

How Climate Change Affects Agriculture

Climate change can affect agriculture from the following:

  • Water Scarcity And Change In Precipitation
  • Pests And Diseases
  • Soil Degradation
  • Impact on crop Yields
  • Shifts in Agricultural Zones
  • Livestock Challenges
  • Loss of Biodiversity
  • Food Security concerns
  • Temperature Changes.

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